Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Defining Historiography Essay
Historians do not always agree about how to interpret the events and people that they study; this leads to multiple explanations, which at times, are diametrically opposed to each other. As students progress into upper-level courses in the Department of History, they must move from the mastery of facts and analysis of primary sources encouraged by lower-level courses to a richer and deeper understanding of how history is written and the fact that events and ideas are open to interpretation. Within History 420 (Readings in History), students then move into another level of explanation, where they read intensively on a topic and provide their own historiographical explanations for a series of events/ideas. Therefore, historiography can be described as â€Å"the history of history.†What this means in practice is an exploration of a specific topic, and how historians have explained events or people over time, i.e. how their explanations have changed due to their own worldview and/or ideological bent, due to re-interpretation of previously-viewed sources, due to the availability of new sources, previously unexplored, and/or due to the application of different questions and/or methodologies to sources. Revision of prior interpretations of the past is an implicit and important element of historiography. It requires students to not only be able to explain the different schools of thought or interpretations but also potentially to develop their own explanations, based on their assigned readings. The focus of a historiographical essay is not on the event or person itself; rather, it is on the interpretations of the event or person. Process: 1. Read and analyze multiple works independently on the same topic (assigned on weekly or bi-weekly basis), including an exploration of the sources that the authors utilize or do not utilize in shaping their arguments. a. Make sure that you are not merely summarizing the author’s ideas; rather, you are providing analysis of the work’s argument, sources, and conclusions and of the author’s own interpretation of said topic. b. In addition, each author is likely to provide an explanation of the fit of his/her work within the larger historiographical context; take careful note of this as well, particularly when he/she references other assigned works. c. Another element of this process is to have a firm understanding of who the author is; be certain to conduct research into previous publications, ideological background and/or current research interests. Are there any parts of his/her background that are directly related to the subject matter and if so, what are the pr os and cons of this? 2. Questions to consider as you write your historiographical essay: Individual Works †¢ What is the â€Å"main point†or argument made by each work regarding your specific topic? Think particularly about whether or not the author is trying to reinforce an earlier perception of history or argue for a re-interpretation of the past. †¢ What kinds of sources are used, how and why? How does the author deal with counter-evidence, i.e. information that seems to weaken or contradict the thesis? †¢ What are the strengths and weaknesses in terms of argument, analysis and conclusions of the work? †¢ How does this work relate to earlier readings, i.e. do they present similar or dissimilar ideas and how/why? †¢ How do these authors or works, as a group, contribute our understanding of this series of historical events and their outcome? 3. Bring these works together in an integrated analysis that incorporates and explains the different arguments, conclusions and evidence of various authors in order to build your own explanation of a central theme. An integrated analysis is one that not only draws on different books/articles but also explains how the works agree and disagree with each other. A particularly strong historiographical essay will do this by considering multiple points of view within discussion of a sub-topic, all in one well-crafted paragraph or series of paragraphs, which is then connected back to the overall argument. Then you would move on to the next connected sub-topic, again linking back to the overall argument. You want to avoid the temptation to simply discuss one work, then the next, and then another, with little explanation or analysis of how they fit together. 4. Questions to consider as you write your historiographical essay: The Big Picture †¢ How has the historiography of your topic evolved over time? What has changed in terms of interpretation of events and ideas? What was the initial interpretation of this event, idea or person? How has it changed and why? †¢ How have ideological shifts had an impact on your topic? Are the authors under study wedded to a particular â€Å"historical school†i.e. Marxist, Feminist, Neo-Conservative, Liberal, and/or how does the author’s main lens of analysis (cultural, political, military, social, etc.) have an impact on his/her interpretations? †¢ Have the â€Å"discovery†or re-interpretation of sources caused historians to ask new questions or take their research in new directions? †¢ Have historians used different methodological approaches (e.g. quantitative, linguistic) in their work and how was this had an impact on conclusions?
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Abduction Is a Short Story by Shelagh Delaney
Abduction is a short story by Shelagh Delaney, it is a story about misunderstanding the concept of love. However it is also a story about, misunderstanding or not looking for the needs of the ones we love. Abduction is the title, and it refers to the way, that Ann abducts her sixteen year old younger brother from their parents, and brings him to london. Ann is a woman who always new, what she wanted: â€Å"She couldn't get out of Manchester quick enough. Although she'd been born and brought up there it had never been good enough. There was only one place worth living.London. †(p. 1, ll. 24) Ann moved and never looked back, except from the one time, where she came to take her younger brother to live with her in London. There can be many reasons why Ann felt the need to take him away from his home, but all in all she has a very strong need to look after someone, and control their life. Considering the fact, that she is working at a children's hospital, may give the impression, that she would want to have kids on her own, but that is not the case. Already when she was a young woman, she was sterilized.It is a bit of a mystery, because while she loved kids, she did not want any of her own. For her it was more easy to become a mother to her younger brother. Therefore she spoiled him with money, and never gave him have a life of his own. When he gets a girlfriend, who also become pregnant, Ann tells them to get an abortion, and they do what she says. Ann's younger brother's girlfriend points out to him, that there is something wrong between the two siblings: â€Å"She's more like a possessive mother than a sister,†She told him. â€Å"Are you sure you're not really her baby? †(pp, 4. ll, 81).This is said because Ann's behavior is more appropriate for a mother than a sister, because as his sister, she should not take the mothers part in the upbringing. As mentioned before Ann spoils her brother with money. She gives him, what she believes he wan ts, and he is too week to tell her, that what she is doing is wrong. When he graduates from college, (where he had studied media, which he actually despised, but did for his sister sake), Ann provide him with a job, which of course leads to Ann giving him a lot of new and expensive close, he never wanted. After that day, he immediately changed to his belongings from his birth house.Ann's brother married Marianne, the girl who got an abortion, she gets pregnant again, and this time, they keep the child. After Marianne has given birth to their child, Ann transfers her own sense to the child, and spoils it with money, even though the parents tell her to stop. After some years Ann's brother start to drink, and become an alcoholic. Marianne tries to help him, but she decides to divorce him. He moves back to Ann, and they are back were they were before the marriage. This is very satisfying for Ann, because now she can control her brother, the way she like.Again she can spoil him with mone y, and give him the things, she think he wants. He says that he does not want her to spend the money, but she answer him back that it is only money, and that is what they are for. The money she gives him, is her way of expressing her love to the brother. She never think that maybe he wants something totally different, he wants feelings, wants someone to tell him that he exist for a reason. His alcoholism is according to Ann not existing, her brother can simply not have an alcohol problem. It is easy to see, that this is her brothers way of going against his sister.He has the need to do something against his sister, and make her realize, that she can not make him, something he is not. She can not make him wear clothes, he dislike, she can't change him, no matter how big an amount of money she gives him. His life is a mess, he is in a deep alcoholism, even though he loves his child and ex-wife. â€Å"He'd wanted to run away then, run back home to his mother and father. Was it possibl e to start all over again? †(pp, 4. ll, 119) Ann is very controlling, she wants him to stay week, so she drags him back into alcoholism, she thinks that she has all the right answers.That her mother and father was in no condition to raise a child, that she could do it better herself, but all she ever did was doing it the wrong way. Money can not replace true feelings, it can not replace the love between to humans, money can never make a person happy, and it did not make her brother happy, it killed him. Both the picture by Edward Munch, and the text by D. H. Lawrence is about women controlling their men. In the painting, a woman encloses a man with her hair, he is in her power. She has the power to control him. The man in he picture has a very sad look in his eyes, as if he nows that he does not have the power to get out of her grip. In the text a man is describing how his girlfriend is very possessive and wants to control him. â€Å"She had such a lust for possession, a gre ed of self-importance in love†(pp. 6, ll. 7). This painting and the text are both very similar to the themes in the short story. They both surrounds the topic of women being dominant, and wanting to control the men, just like Ann's needs to control her younger brother. Fiction and non-fiction is two very different ways of writing.In fiction you can write anything that comes to you mind, there are no specific rules that inquirer you to do something certain. A fiction story can be very unrealistic, but also very realistic. When looking at the short story Abduction, it is quickly discovered that it is a fiction story. To start with it has a third person narrator. In fiction a narrator can write down the characters thoughts, and him or her, can be very subjective: â€Å"The first time he left his sister's house for the office he felt like a fool togged up in a black cashmere and silk shirts†(pp. 3, ll. 8). Non-fiction on the other hand is submitted rules, in non-fiction you have to stay as objective as possible. Personal thoughts are not to prefer, the writer is telling the story as it happened, him or her is passing on valuable information, and that information has to be unbiased. â€Å"Alfred Adler observed that there was an innate â€Å"drive for power an superiority†that was evidenced in sibling rivalry†(pp. 8, ll. 1) Alfred is observing something, and these observations can be used to conclude something. That would not have been the case, if the text had been fiction.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Buddhism In Countries
Buddhism is one of the most followed religions in the world. It ushered in Northeastern India in the late 500 B. C. as a monastic movement against the orthodox caste oriented Indian society. The world wide range of followers alters from 150 to 350 millions. Siddhartha Gautama founded this religion. Being a prince he lead a life of ample luxury and comfort. But no sooner did he realize the emptiness of his life; he renounced his pompous and pampered lifestyle and opted to embark on a journey to the ultimate destination to seek truth, enlightenment, and cycle of rebirths.Glenn Wallis cites a light philosophical insight on the teachings and idioms of Buddhism. A selected assimilation of 16 essential discourses extracted from more than 5000 Pali suttas of Buddhism. Wallis provides an illuminating insight analyzing in details the text containing Mahasattipatthana Sutta, Anapanasati Sutta, Sakunagghi Sutta, Culamalukya Sutta, Tevijja Sutta, Sabba Sutta, Kesamutti Sutta, Phenapindupama Sutt a, Anattalakkhana Sutta, Bhara Sutta, Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta, Gotama Sutta, Parayana Sutta, Nibbuta Sutta, Sankhatalakkhana Sutta, and Asankhatalakkhana Sutta.This compilation is a useful text and a valuable source book citing the selected fundamental suttas elaborately versed with an eloquent introduction and fairly understandable notes. Glenn’s accessible translation of the Buddha’s doctrines to his followers had given an opportunity to the twenty-first century readers in the modern west to take lessons of life from the great teacher. The enlightened Buddha is a figure vastly acclaimed throughout Asia since millenniums for his great wisdom that enlightened mass illuminating the path to a meaningful life of satisfaction.Today, in the west his teachings are intensely adapted by adherents, psychologists, philosophers and physicists who find his doctrines on human situation lucidly descriptive and his recommended practice of meditation to be implemented in awakening to a situation with transparency and calm temperament. Buddha, the mythical figure is not an answer to a suffering seeker of relief; the optimum answer lays in the preached teachings of Siddhartha Gautama- an ordinary person who rose to be a great spiritual teacher. Buddhism emerged in crisis.Siddhartha Gautama, the royal youth one day started finding the worldly pleasures useless and threatening. His life started walking towards a destination to find a significant answer to the perturbed life of human race. On his path towards enlightenment he claims to have discovered a noticeable aspect which was capable of dealing with Life’s problems. The Pali cannon contain two classical sutras which supports this discovery. The sutras are – â€Å"Quenched†and â€Å"Destination†. Glenn summarized sixteen suttas from the five thousand Pali dialects.The two most popular discourses of Pali Cannon from the Theravada Buddhism are the Satipatthana Sutta and the Mahasatt ipatthana sutta. This sutta is accepted and provides a potential practice to â€Å"mindfulness†. Buddha defines this Sutta in four parts for establishing mindfulness (Sattipatthana): body, sensations (or feelings), mind (or consciousness) and mental contents: Kaya (body): ? Breathing ? Postures (Walking, Standing, Sitting, Lying Down) ? Clarity of understanding ? Thoughtful approach towards repulsiveness of the Body ? Thoughtfulness over Material Elements ? Cemetery meditationsFeelings (sensations): †¢ Satisfactory or unsatisfactory or feelings of neutrality. †¢ Materialistic or spiritual feelings Chitta (Mind/Consciousness) ? Passionate desire(saragam) or non passionate (vitaragam) ? Hatred or aversion(sadosam) or without hatred (vitadosam) ? False self belief (samoham) or not delusive (vitamoham) ? Contracted (sankhittam) or dispersed (vikkhittam) ? Nobility (mahaggatam) or without nobility (amahaggatam) ? Outstanding (sa-uttaram) or unsurpassed (anuttaram) ? disc reet (samahitam) or indiscreet (asamahitam) ? released (vimuttam) or unreleased (avimuttam)(Dhamma) Mental Contents ? The five obstructions ? The Aggregates (skandha) of clinging (upadana). ? The Sense-Bases (Atayana) and their Fetters. ? The seven factors of Enlightenment. ? The four noble Truths. The Anapanasati Sutta (Breath – mindfulness) illustrates the detailed instructions of the Buddha on the practice of using breadth (anapana) as a focus of mindfulness (sati) meditation. The discourse leads to a sixteen step procedure to develop mental concentration. The destination is to forge to be insightful and understandable regarding the Four Foundations of Mindfulness (Satipahana), the Seven Factors of Awakening (Bojjhangas), and finally Nibbana. The Anapanasati Sutta is an acclaimed text in Theravada Buddhism. Theravada Pali Cannon represents this as the 118th discourse in the Majjhima Nikaya. Buddha defines mindfulness of the breath to be developed and repeatedly practiced t o receive fruitful benefits in life leading to clarity of vision and deliverance. The path to be traced to reach this destination follows: †¢ Excelling in Breath mindfulness (Pali: anapanasati) aids to the perfection of the four Foundations of Mindfulness (satipatthana).†¢ The perfection of the Seven Factors of Enlightenment (Bojjhanga) is the result of developing The Four Foundations of Mindfulness. †¢ Development in The Seven Foundations of Enlightenment aids to clarity vision and deliverance. According to Jataka, the Sakunagghi sutta relates a story which goes on like this: The Bodhisattva once reincarnated as a quail and was snatched one day by a falcon. Its then that the quail lamented on not being in the feeding ground of his own people, he felt his suffering was due to his diversion from his fellow beings.The proud falcon let the Quail go saying that he is capable of seizing him from any situation or place. The quail grabbed the opportunity and fled back and pe rched on an immense lump of earth and challenged the Falcon. The falcon took an attempt to swoop down to get hold of the quail, but dashed to pieces against the clod as the Quail efficiently took a sharp turn over. Sakunagghi Sutta is the name given in the Uddana of the Samayutta. It is the introductory Jataka of the Sutta. A monk must be attached spiritually to his own pasture ground, his own possession, his native beat (pettikavisaya) – e.g. the four Satipattanas. Lust is the result of getting incited through passion fraught of objects, sounds etc. Jataka was related through the preaching of the Sakunovada Sutta. Culamalukya Sutta was delivered at Savatthi to the Bhikkhu Malukya. One afternoon the vulnerable Bhikkhu Malukya interrupted Buddha’s meditation to clarify his queries regarding the popular classical questions: How eternal is the universe, how similar is the soul and the body, is soul and body are different from one another, whether life ends after death or it still exists and so on.The blessed one, Buddha patiently replied and explained that these views do not regulate the practice of holy life. No matter what notion one creates its evident that there will be birth, ageing, decay, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and distress. Buddha made it clear that he teaches only about Dukkha- its cause, cessation and the way leading to its cessation. He assured Malukya to show the path of ultimate realization of truth. Tevijja Sutta is compiled as the thirteenth Sutta of the Digha Nikaya. This doctrine was preached to Vasettha and Bharadvaja when they visited the blessed one at Manasakata.The Buddha through detailed conversation educates them about the futility of the long procured notion that merely attaining knowledge of the three Vedas can be a leading channel to reunite with Brahma. Such union can be attained only by practicing the four Brahma-Viharas. When Buddha was on a tour through the kingdom of Kosala, two Brahmin youths had the privilege to meet him. They requested Buddha to settle their dispute as to how they could attain the path leading to companionship with the eternal Brahma. Each of them cultivated their own notion to be true, as shown by their own master.Buddha explained that none of their masters had happened to see Brahma, so they are blindfolded to precede the ever traced path of the unknown. He further helped them derive the true path that actually led to the Brahma realm, i. e. the path that kindled morality and concentration, and development of loving-kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity for all sentient beings. According to the Sabbasava Sutta the blessed one put forward his message for the monks saying, fermentation ends when one knows and sees, but it is not relevant to one who does not know and does not see.This knowledge and sight is related to appropriate attention and inappropriate attention. A monk’s inappropriate attention arise unaccomplished fermentation, and arisen fermentation increases. But appropriate attention doesn’t leave space for unaccomplished fermentation to arise and abandon the arisen fermentation. This sutta proposes a process of eradication of few taints: strong desire tamed for acquiring sensual pleasure, desire for being and ignorance. These taints are eventually nurtured along with incorrect attentiveness causing defilements.Such defilement can be regulated through the seven method path of optimistic attribute: Observing or Seeing, Restraining, Using, Enduring, Avoiding, Removing and Developing. So says the Blessed one, â€Å"When you know for yourselves, ‘These things are wholesome; these things are blameless; these things are praised by the wise; these things, if undertaken and practiced, lead to welfare and happiness,’ then you should engage in them†. – Buddha Kesamutti Sutta is a well known discourse to the Kalamas is often related as the Buddha’s charter for Freedom of enqu iry.It can be found in the Book of threes in the gradual Sayings. Kesamutta was a business town of the Kalamas. This being an important part of the entire discourse, begins with Kalamas desirous to clarify how relevant are the doctrines that they have been hearing from various teachers. They wanted to know the truth as every teacher appreciates their own opinions and disparages the view point of others. Buddha clears their views by asking them to experiment every teaching and then imply them in their own life.But that doesn’t mean one should defy all teachings and prove to be a cynical materialist. This attitude would rather soar up unnecessary self esteem and reverse their urge to investigate any further. To conclude it states how an admirable disciple abides to defy covetousness, ill-will, and confusion, with an expanded morality nurturing love, kindness, compassion, sympathy, joy, and equanimity. This enriches his bliss and gears his happiness till eternity. To sum up, he is self assured and content.The Phenapindupama Sutta speaks about Rupa which is frothy in nature due to its instability, impermanency, and constantly rising and diminishing attribute. Hence it is not self, rather unrealistic. Vedana is truly comparable to an air bubble which is always unsustainable. Our life values various sensations similar to bubbles, vanishing in no time, impermanent, untrustworthy, the nature of Anicca, dukhha and anatta. Perception of sense apprehends whatever it visualizes, hears, smells, tastes, touches or knows are nothing but a mirage.Consideration of samana as a being, the gender difference is but a mere illusion like a mirage. Practically it is merely a phenomenon of incessant emerging and diminishing. Sankara, volitional activities, are similar to plantain trunks. Layers of fibrous materials constitute to form the plantain trunk without any substantial, solid inner core. Shankara is just like the plantain trunk without any inner substance. Consciousness has similarity with conjuror’s trick. It emerges and vanishes within no time. Consciousness arises devoid of ones desire, but as per condition of its own cause and circumstances.The Anattalakkhana Sutta (Pali, â€Å"not- self Characteristic Discourse†), also popular as the Pancavaggiya Sutta (Pali, â€Å"Group of Five Ascetics†), is considered to be the second discourse delivered by the Blessed Buddha. In this discourse Buddha dealt with the physical and mental human constituents and surfaces that they both are impermanent. (anicca), subject to suffering ( dukkha) and thus unfit for identification with the ‘self’ the soul (atta). The pali canon contains Anattalakkhana Sutta in the Samuyatta Nikaya (â€Å"Connected Collection†).This discourse happens to be a part of the Buddhist monastic code (Vinaya). The Bhara sutta can be illustrated as; human body being one of the Khandhas bears a heavy burden. Desire to serve it persists on carrying the h eavy burden. We are carrying the burden even when we feed or clothe ourselves. We are just mere servants to the wholesome matter (rupakkhandha). Along with the food and clothing we are responsible of maintaining the physical and psychological stability and scatter happiness. This service is towards the aggregate of feelings and sentiments ( vedanakkhandha).We are also liable to cater to the bodies hearing and visual needs and the wellness. Consciousness deals these concerns. Hence we are ultimately a servant to the aggregate of consciousness (vinnanakkhandha). The violation of activities (sankharakkhandha) and our temperament to do the unlawful to satisfy our desires also constitute to our burden. We also tend to bear the burden of aggregate perception (sannakkhandha) as this sense of human beings which train their faculties of mind and brain to retain knowledge and make it capable of realizing what is good and what is evil.Our desires on being good if satisfied finds tempted toward s evil and after committing a mistake we repent and unknowingly the burden adds on. Hence, Buddha declared the five aggregates of clinging (Upadanakkhandha) as a heavy burden. Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta is the first discourse that he delivered soon after attaining Enlightenment. He illustrated this Sutta to the group of five monks who accompanied him while practicing austerities in the forest for long years. This discourse contains significant teachings of the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path.Hearing to this discourse, his disciple monk Kondanna attained the first stage of Enlightenment, hence giving rise to Ariya Sangha (Noble Sangha). This discourse is better known as the Dhammachakka Sutta or the Wheel of Dhamma discourse. The Gotama Sutta is an elaborate description that Buddha delivers to his disciples, reveals the path he traversed to attain the ultimate Enlightenment. He had some thoughts disturbing him throughout and he wanted an apparent release from death de cay and suffering that human race had been tolerating since long.Through Paryana Sutta Buddha teaches Goal, the ultimate destination and the path to be followed to attain it. It was so called because it leads to Nibbana (Nibbanasankhatam Param Ayanto Parayana Ti Laddhavoharam Dhammam). Nibbuta Sutta derives from human character of leading life noticeably beyond limit and quenching the desires he had nurtured whole life. It is the extraction of all the sacrifices a person does to achieve the ultimate goal. Nibbuta is the coolness which is derived by quenching of defilement, either by himself or by someone else.As this thirst is quenched only coolness persists. Sankhatalakkhana Sutta demonstrates how a person fabricates his wishes in life on not having achieved naturally. How he makes amends to illuminate his life and forget the failures. Where as Asankhatalakkana sutta displays a satisfactory life contended with whatever is provided naturally and does not keep his soul in disguise bu t demonstrate the true atma. Buddhism, a philosophical religion encompasses a variety of traditions beliefs and practices mainly based on the doctrines and preaching of Lord Buddha (the awakened one).The Blessed one resided in North eastern Indian subcontinent between the 6th and the 4th century B. C. he is considered to be an awakened teacher who shared his insight with his disciples to aid sentient beings end suffering (Dukkha) and achieve Nirvana. The religion is divided into two branches, The Theravada and The Mahayana. Both branches are found throughout the world. It is considered to be the world’s fourth largest religion with near about 500 million followers. In spite of being a royal character Siddhartha Gautama left behind the worldly pleasures to find a path that leads to an end to human sufferings.He attained his Enlightenment demolishing the fetters of his mind, under a Boddhi tree in Boddh Gaya, India. Through his doctrines (popularly known as Suttas) preached the reality of life through his Eight fold Paths and The Four Noble Paths. Buddha was an epitome of spirituality. Glenn Wallis had highlighted a descriptive insight of the sixteen Suttas which are always relevant to aid human life and inspire them to strive to end suffering. Glenn’s keen eye for the details is highly appreciable both for the resource and quality it resembles.
Entourage by Doug Ellin Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Entourage by Doug Ellin - Movie Review Example Vince's entourage consists of: Eric, his closest friend who acts as his manager; Johnny "Drama" Chase, his older brother, an avid cook and a struggling actor in his own right; and Turtle, who is simply living the high life riding Vince's coattails and serves as a chauffeur." (Entourage (TV series) Summary) The other main characters in the series include Vinces successful agent Ari, the publicist Shauna, and Emily. Thus, the characters of the series include Vince - played by Adrian Grenier, Eric - played by Kevin Connolly, "Drama" - Kevin Dillon, Turtle - Jerry Ferrara, Ari - Jeremy Piven, Mrs. Ari - Perrey Reeves, Lloyd - Rex Lee, Andrew Klein - Gary Cole, and Sloan - Emmanuelle Chriqui. This paper makes a reflective exploration of the characters, overall effectiveness, connectivity, design and execution of the series Entourage in order to determine the various factors that contribute to the overall success of the series. In a profound analysis of the characters in the series, it becomes lucid that the makers of the show have been careful in the creation of the major characters that are central to the entire plot of the series. The various episodes of the TV series revolve round the six major characters such as Vincent Chase, Eric "E" Murphy, Johnny "Drama" Chase, Turtle, Ari Gold, and Mrs. Gold, and these roles are played by successful actors. The hero, Vincent Chase is a young and upcoming A-list actor and this role is efficiently played by Adrian Grenier. Similarly, Kevin Connolly plays the role of Vince's best friend and manager and Kevin Dillon plays the role Vince's elder brother. Other important players include Jerry Ferrara, who plays the role of Turtle, Jeremy Piven, who plays Ari Gold, and Perrey Reeves, who takes the role of Mrs. Gold. These main characters, along with the supporting characters and the recurring characters, make the main actions of the series. Through the various actions a nd dialogues of these characters, this comedy-drama offers accounts about the Hollywood social and professional scene. As Gary Richard Edgerton and Jeffrey P. Jones maintain, "Entourage follows the HBO tradition of integrating narratives about the Hollywood social and professional scene with many guest appearances and jokes at the industry's expense." (Edgerton and Jones, 165) Therefore, the characters in the series Entourage offer convincing picture of the Hollywood lifestyle and deal with the theme of male friendship, especially through the the friendship between the four main characters. A careful analysis of the various elements in the series Entourage confirms that the overall effectiveness of the comedy is unquestionable and it is affirmed by the various awards and nominations won by the series including Emmy, Golden Globe etc. It is important to recognize that the series achieves success with regard to its cast and characters, plot, themes and characteristics etc. The theme of male friendship has been presented effectively through the relationship among the four important characters of the show and its significance over work becomes obvious to the audience. Significantly, the life in Hollywood is best presented through the various characters in the show, and the numerous celebrities who have guest-starred on the show offer convincing evidences to the life in Hollywood. "True to the Hollywood satire genre, "Entourage" is scattered with cameo appearances by famous people playing themselves. Alba's on
Sunday, July 28, 2019
AT&T Company background Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
AT&T Company background - Research Paper Example In 2005, the company was bought by one of its Baby Bells, the former Southern Western Bell, and it was rebranded to AT&T Inc. On December 18 1899, the company bought American Bell assets making it its parent. In 1892, the company achieved its first goal by opening a long distance line from New York to Chicago which at the time could only handle one call at a time. When Theodore Vail started his second term as the company’s president, he generated the viewpoint, approaches and structures that guided it and the Bell system for about seventy years. In 1919, it set up the first dial telephones in the Bell System, in Norfolk VA and in 1922, it opens the first money-making radio station in New York called WEAF. From 1927, it began its first transatlantic telephone services and also showcases the first television demonstration. 1934, it started the transpacific telephone services and by 1946, mobile telephone had been introduced which was capable of carrying out over fifteen simultaneous calls. In 2002, the company introduced a nationwide intelligent optical network which is renowned for its ability to restore services faster if any disastrous event occurred, (Anton,
Saturday, July 27, 2019
IT Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
IT - Assignment Example s the data; prepare prescriptions to be sent to the pharmacies via communication technology; get instant and accurate results from the laboratories directly; communicate with their patients on a regular basis no matter which part of the globe they live in; and, give better suggestions regarding their health and lifestyle. On the other hand, the patients, here referred to as e-Patients, can have access to doctors all around the world with the use of information and communication technology, telemedicine and e-Health systems, get diagnosis (known as remote diagnosis) and treatment regarding their diseases, and thus, remain better informed about their problems in particular and health care in general. Eysenbach writes in his article that e-Health has a major contribution in solving the communication problem between the practitioners providing healthcare in remote areas and healthcare institutions in the city. E-Health brings the best healthcare providers in competition which enhances the quality of healthcare practice. It has created a trustworthy doctor-patient relationship, as e-Health systems ensure the patients’ privacy. It provides tools, known as e-Health tools, which facilitate health services like diagnosis and treatment. These include electronic databases, mobile monitors, health portals, and many more. E-Health is also cost-effective as money is not spent on staffing and traveling resources. The European Union (EU) is the leader in the development of e-Health systems and tools. ICT1 has made it possible to provide faster, reliable, cost-effective, and responsive solutions to mankind in the health sector (Europe’s Information Society). E-Patients use ICT to have a better knowledge about their diseases and other issues. They can communicate with their physicians and fellow sufferers. ICT has enabled the patients to be part of the health decision process who are constantly requesting to view and access the data about their diseases contained in their
Friday, July 26, 2019
Market Opportunity Analysis - Walmart Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Market Opportunity Analysis - Walmart - Essay Example Changing demographic data such as growing population, ethnic diversity, income, percentage of single parents and percentage of people living in metropolitan triggers four prospectsâ€â€more food for growing population, more easy-to-prepare foods for single parent households, more variety of products for diversified people and more upgraded foods for individuals with higher incomes. (Umberger, Thilmany and Ziehl p9-13) Nowadays, consumers are changing their buying patterns to be online because of lower prices and available 24/7. Consumer tastes can be different based on another demographic factor: age. For example, consumers under 35 years old are most likely to be interested in domestics (73.3%), lawn & garden (71.4%), stationery (66.7%), personal care appliances (65.5%) and glasses and dishware (60.0%). (Negley) And the willingness to switch brands also depends on the age groupsâ€â€for instance, consumers over 50 years old have strongest loyalties. Jennifer Negley also claimed that the loyalties of consumers were falling down. It could be seen in groceries and canned food products which possessed 84% loyalty in 1993 and shifted to 73% in 1997. Wal-Mart, the largest retailer in the world, is operating in the highly competitive retail industry in both local US market and international market. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. is based in Bentonville, Arkansas, and comprises of four separate retail segments namely Wal-Mart Supercenters, Discount Stores, Neighborhood Markets, and SAM’S CLUB. As of January 31, 2010, the company operated 2,612 Supercenters ,891 Discount Stores, 153 Neighborhood Markets and 602 SAM'S CLUB warehouses and in the United States. (Wal-Mart Annual Report, p 14) There are 3,615 Wal-Mart units outside US including countries such as Mexico, Canada, Brazil, UK, China and Germany. The retail products available at Wal-Mart include general merchandise such as household goods, apparels, jewelry, health & beauty products, electronics, toys, fabrics, shoes, garden appliances and crafts. Along with other retailers in the industry like Kmart and Sear, Wal-Mart is facing the changing consumer buying patterns and prefere nces. The essence of Wal-Mart’s success is its ability to purchase a huge amount of goods and re-sell them to customers with lower prices. It also intends to sell quality products at the same time. So, it would be a high risk if it could not predict correctly on which items to be purchased to meet the changing consumer tastes. As we learned that consumers from different places prefer separate items, it may affect on setting localization strategy for each international unit. Next, as Wal-Mart is selling many products across several product lines, it is more inflexible to change compared to its competitors who only focus on one or two product lines. If consumers change their tastes in one product line, the competitors can adapt with customers’ preferences more easily than Wal-Mart can. Moreover, it is vital to catch up with changing consumer’s online behaviors for the effects can be critical for how Wal-Mart’s online store should be shaped. 2. How well are these changes in customer tastes and preferences being reflected in competitive strategies in the industry? Changes in customer tastes and preferences are reflected in competitive strategies pursued by different retailers in the industry. Competitive strategies help an organization to build a competitive advantage which is the result of having superior performance over competitors. (Hill) And that advantage makes a
Thursday, July 25, 2019
The Concept of Wisdom in Judaism and Confucius Essay
The Concept of Wisdom in Judaism and Confucius - Essay Example For Aristotle the acts of the Gods had to be contemplative since they did not engage in acts of justice or bravery, where as Plato thought that imitating the Gods included both ethical and political values. In Judaism Imitatio Dei is centered on ethical values and striving to be the best that humans can be, not wise like God, because wisdom is what God used to create the world. Wisdom is the search for the knowledge of God (Shapiro 1971 pg 3). This idea is related in Genesis. The Lord by wisdom founded the earth, by understanding He established the Heavens. By His knowledge the depths were broken up, and the skies drop down the dew. How manifold are Thy works, O Lord! In wisdom hast thou made them all. According to the Pentateuch, the knowledge of God is the fruit of wisdom and a faithful path toward Imitatio Dei. Knowledge of God in Judaism is tied to the instructions God gave to Moses. The Israelites were captured because they had no knowledge of God, that is, they did not follow the rules Yahweh handed down to Moses. In Proverbs it states that fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the All-Holy is understanding. True wisdom is the pursuit if the knowledge of God and all other goals serve only to be wise to other humans or oneself. Man can search for God's wisdom by reading Torah since Torah is the reflections of God's knowledge. David Shapiro makes an interesting observation when he points out that Israel avoids the pagan ideas of actually gaining the wisdom of a deity and becoming a God because the pagans subscribed to the belief. In Genesis 9:6 the Bible does say that man was created in the image of God, but that aspect is not mentioned again after that chapter and verse. While pagans strove to become Gods, Jews strove for the knowledge of God, a fundamental difference. This may also be a reaction to information in Genesis that wisdom is a quality of Satan. The snake talked Eve into eating from the Tree of Knowledge, thus becoming "wise" and knowing good and evil like God. In Judaism the limitations of man's knowledge contrasts with the pagan goal of actually gaining God's wisdom. In the pursuit of Imitatio Dei it was necessary to build God's dwelling place on earth. The Tabernacle, and later, the Temple served as the Imago Mundi, God's house on earth. This was the start of wisdom being incorporated into architecture, sacred geometry of a meta-physical nature. In the Jewish religion then God had a sacred book and a sacred house on earth. The Talmud as interpreted by Raba of Babylonia, states that wisdom is repentance combined with good deeds. One should not spend hours reading Torah then disrespect his parents and elders. This notion maintains the hierarchy sanctioned in the Torah where one's own wisdom is a reflection of superiors. Judaism began with humans having direct contact with God. Abraham founded the one God religion and Moses accepted the Covenant and the rules of following Yahweh. This one on one relationship is an on going central part of Judaism. Confucius lived around 550 to 480 B.C.E. in the Zhou Dynasty. The name is the Latinized version of Kong fu-zi or Master Kong (Nadeau pg 1). He is one of China's most important
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Rock and Roll vs Rap Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Rock and Roll vs Rap - Essay Example Soon the American rock style began to influence other genres. Places like Southern California produced their own varieties of pop music, such as surf. Young adults and teenagers across the country were playing in amateur rock bands, laying the roots for local scenes which would pave the way for garage rock and the so-called San Francisco Sound. Rock has encountered several stages of development since the beginning of the 50s, and the tendencies in modern rock include alternative bands (Radiohead, Muse), so-called pop-rock (Blink-182, Green Day) and others (George-Warren 26). Rap music in its widely recognized form appeared much later than rock and roll. The roots of hip hop music are in West African and African American music. Originally, early rappers of the 70s focused on introducing themselves and others in the audience (the origin of the still common practice of "shouting out" on hip hop records). These early performers often emceed for hours at a time, with some improvisation and a simple four-count beat, along with a basic chorus to allow the performer to gather his thoughts (such as "one, two, three, y'all, to the beat, y'all"). The 1980s saw intense diversification in hip hop, which developed into a more complex form.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Fairytales Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Fairytales - Essay Example An important theme of Cinderella is male superiority. All men discussed in the story are in dominating and controlling positions and accordingly, the women are shown in submissive positions to the men. There are two men performing main roles in the story i.e. Cinderella’s father and the king’s son. While Cinderella’s father is shown to be a rich man, her mother is said to be old and sick. Death of Cinderella’s mother is an important event in the story as it changes Cinderella’s life. It does not take Cinderella’s father long to get married to another woman, and there is no mention of memories or love of Cinderella’s mother in her father’s mind or heart in the story that follows. This is suggestive of the notion that it is very easy for a man to forget a woman and that a man never falls short of women ready to be his wife, irrespective of his age. While her father happens to be a rich man, this hardly helps Cinderella in any way. Her father does not intervene anywhere as Cinderella’s step-mother and step-sisters make her their servant. This is suggestive of the ignorance of men toward women even in the position of their children, thus again mentioning the superiority of men over women in a way. Finally, when the king organizes the festival, its main purpose is to provide the prince with an opportunity to have all the beautiful girls in the town right in front of him and select anyone he wants to marry among them as his future wife. Not just this, but also the element that all girls in the town are so eager to be there at the festival, knowing the purpose for which it has been arranged suggests that men are far advanced in terms of power and superiority in comparison to women. It is understood that any girl the prince would pick up would sure be his wife, there is no question of the girl’s readiness for this. Even Cinderella, the main character of the story with whom, children sympathize and wh om they love finds a way to attend the festival. All these elements imprint this fact in the minds of the children that men assume a strange and obvious sort of superiority over the women. Rapunzel Rapunzel is another fairytale that never fails to get admiration from the little readers. There are many elements in the story that spark interest for it in the children. Some of these elements include the long and beautiful hair of Rapunzel, the garden that accommodates all sorts of beautiful flowers, not to mention, the magical rampions in it, use of the long hair of Rapunzel as a rope, and most importantly, her pitiful life. For a fact, a common element between many fairytales is that the main character of girl in the story is always pretty but is in pitiful circumstances, waiting for a prince to come to her rescue. Rapunzel is no different in this sense. Marriage is an important theme of Rapunzel. All couples talked about in the story are married couples. When children read such stori es in their childhood, they are raised with the assumption that marriage is the only way two people can live together and procreate in the society. Such stories lay the foundation of the fundamental status of marriage as the building block of the society and the criticism toward cohabitation and same sex marriage observed in everyday life. The story starts with the depiction of a couple of man and woman that are husband and wife to each other and have a
Supply chain management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Supply chain management - Essay Example The active participants in a supply chain are linked by information flows and physical flows. Information flows are the various communication channels that these firms use to coordinate and control the daily flow of goods and services in the supply chain. These channels are used by various partners in the supply chain as a conduit of information regarding their plans. Physical flows are the storage, transformation and movement of goods and services, and they constitute the most visible component of the supply chain. Supply chains find themselves competing against other supply chains due to the competitive nature of today’s markets (Lu 2012: 59). This has led to the creation of various forms of supply chain management modules. One of these modules of supply chain management is the green supply chain management. This involves the incorporation of environmental friendly practices in activities and processes that take place in supply chain. Green supply chain management requires i ntegration of environmental friendly practices in all levels of the chain of supply. This includes product design, material selection and sourcing, delivery of the final product to the consumer and manufacturing process. Firms should also consider the end of life handling of the product after it is used or after fulfilling its intended purpose. This paper aims to discuss green supply chain management. Green supply management is the process of using environmentally friendly implements and their transformation into byproducts that can improve or be recycled (Ehrgott 2009: 271). The basic principle of green supply management is to reduce costs while at the same time conserving the environment. When a company reconsiders its options and adopts environmental friendly solutions for their production activities, they are likely to reap substantial benefits (Worthington 2012: 104). This is because, instead of focusing on reducing the unit cost of production, a company strives to reduce overa ll production costs. This can be achieved by applying environmental friendly innovations, which can have a substantial impact on production. This is because most environmental solutions are cheap and easy to implement at no extra cost (Zhang 2010: 2). An example of this is a top European company that designed a system that would be using 95 horsepower. The engineer in this company re-designed the system by using pipes with a bigger diameter than the initial ones and reducing their length. This saw a significant reduction for energy in terms of horsepower to 7. This goes to show that environmental friendly designs do not necessarily mean spending a lot of money, but small changes can bring about tremendous benefits to a firm. Various factors have influenced the management of supply chains around the world ranging from the beginning of the global economy to changes in the environment. The environment has played a significant role, in influencing supply chains, to change their orientat ion towards environmental solutions. These solutions are effective and efficient in terms of costs and resource utilisation. Human utilisation of natural resources has been an on-going process since the beginning of life, which until a few hundred years ago, was a sustainable activity (Cohen 2010: 213). This is because up until then, the environment was able to cope and sustain the demands of humans. Today, human activities have
Monday, July 22, 2019
Wild Animal as Pet Essay Example for Free
Wild Animal as Pet Essay Many people in the world get pets every day, but why blame them? Theres nothing wrong with having a friend of another species. But, if you want a pet, there is one thing you shouldnt do. You should never take an animal from the wild, and keep them as pets. The reasons are pretty clear. I, myself, have learned from self-experience that they are tougher to take care of than your average cat, dog, bird, or fish. They are not used to a captive environment. This can be bad, considering that its probably not how they were meant to live. Another thing is that you may not be able to get as much information on the wild pet, because they simply arent meant to be one. You would be able to find much more information on domesticated animals; hence, you can take better care of a domesticated pet, rather than a wild one. Wild animals are scared easier. How many times have you approached a pond without all of the frogs jumping in the water? How many times have you actually been close to catching a bird or fish with your bare hands? (Well, I have, but thats another story.) Chances are that the animal will run, fly, or swim away. If cornered, it will attack out of self-defense. That brings me to another point. If you cant find that animal in a legal pet store, it is probably too dangerous to keep for a pet. Many wild animals have poisonous venom, or deadly scratches and bites. This can be very dangerous. Something close to that point is that the animal may be rabid, have salmonella, or some other dangerous decease or virus. The probability of this is much less if your pet is a domesticated animal that was legally bought. If you or your family get hurt or killed, just remember that you cant sue Mother Nature. I think my point is pretty clear. Dont take animals from the wild and keep them as your own pet. Am I, however, telling you not to get a pet at all? No. As a matter of fact, I am encouraging you to get one! Just as long as it is not from the wild.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Integrated Marketing Communications and Social media
Integrated Marketing Communications and Social media The research focuses on two important areas, Integrated Marketing Communications and Social media. However, before reviewing them, it is vital to understand the concepts behind Media and Marketing Communication in general. This would lay a foundation for understanding both the areas covered in the research. Then the real issues: Integrated Marketing Communications and Social media will be covered. 2.1.1 Media According to Harper (2001), the term media in communication can be defined as: The storage and transmission channels or tools used to store and deliver information or data. It is often referred to as synonymous with mass media or news media, but may refer to a single medium used to communicate any data for any purpose. Thus, any information transmission channels or tools used for delivering marketing messages to the audience can be referred to as media. Media is synonymously used with mass media or mass communication, which Dijk (2006) depicts as a type of communication using media to distribute sound, text, and images among an audience. Mass media is an old terminology, but starting from a single medium that is print in 1500s it has grown to incorporate vast types of mediums. Caspi (1993, cited in Wilzig Avagdor, 2004) provides a four stage model of media development: 1) Inauguration where the new medium is given much public attention; 2) Institutionalization where there is widespread public adoption and routinization of the new medium; 3) Defensiveness where the power is threatened by a new medium; and 4) Adaptation the fine line differentiating between old and new medium. Since the inception of first mass media, each new media has gone through these stages and has developed its place in the media environment. With every new emerging media, the previous mediums had to co-exist with the new one at the end. In his research on mass media, Ahonen (2008) specifies a 7th mass media which is mobile. This idea was proposed in 2006. Various media content like music, videogames, tv, news, social networking, internet services and above all advertising is migrating to mobile which is making it a dominant mass media. While discussing the previous mass mediums, Ahonen regards the initial five mass mediums as unidirectional and states that it was only after internet arrived that it acted as inherent threat to all previous mass mediums. This was because internet had certain features that its predecessors did not have like interactivity, search capability, and social networking (discussed in detail later in report) and it could offer all that its predecessors offered. Therefore, cannibalization started occurring with internet. Similarly with the advent of mobile, this medium too can offer what its six predecessors could offer: one can read news, magazines, listen to radio and podcasts, watch TV, movies, play video games and above all consume all content available on internet. To a greater extent it supercedes the interactivity of the web with email and instant messaging (IM). Therefore, mobile would inherently threaten the internet. The idea of mobile being the 7th mass media is supported by Moore (2007), where he states that the historic technology revolution is setting grounds for mobile as a mass media which supports greater reach. Unlike other mass mediums, which are losing their audiences and revenues, mobile like internet is interactive; enabling it to fully capitalize on social networking and digital communities. According to Moore, mobile is the only mass media that is carried by the owner at all times and therefore 100% accuracy is possible in measuring the audience. Therefore the above researches claim that the mass media of 2000s is mobile and as with every new media that erupts, it has the power to cannibalize but not replace the previous ones. 2.1.2 Marketing Communication Engel et. al., (1994 cited in Koekemoer Bird, 2004) defines marketing communication as: the collective activities, materials and media used by a marketer to inform or remind prospective customers about a particular product offering, and to attempt to persuade them to purchase or use it. Marketing communication is the use of the media to target customers and interact with them and the basic aim of this interaction is to deliver brand and marketing messages by the use of the most effective medium. There are various marketing communication tools available to a marketer. These include: selling, advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, public relations, sponsorship, exhibitions, packaging, point of sale and merchandising, word of mouth, e-marketing and corporate identity (Smith Taylor, 2004). The marketers may use different blends of these communication mix elements depending on the strategy they want to use, but the most effective communication happens when all the tools are used appropriately and synergistically (Koekemoer Bird, 2004). Moreover, it is important to note that marketing communication has over the years changed from being unidirectional to two-way, with the consumers being more demanding and conscious of choices (Koekomoer Bird, 2004). Therefore, it can be inferred that media is the channel and marketing communication is the use of these channels to direct marketing messages efficiently to target customers. The next sections would build on to these concepts and explain the two major areas of interest, Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) and Social Media. 2.2 Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) Social media is one of the many mediums that are used as IMC tools/components in designing any marketing mix. This section aims to describe the concept of IMC, its emergence and the changing trends in IMC composition (or the communication mix). 2.2.1. Defining IMC As per Kerr Patti (2002) Kerr et. al., (2008), IMC has been one of the most controversial areas of marketing education during the past decade. While many definitions of IMC have been put forth, agreement on the disciplines constructs remains unresolved. This is because IMC is a concept that still lacks rigorous theory according to IMC authors Cornelissen Lock (Kerr, et. al., 2008). One of the much agreed definitions of IMC and the one to be used/ assumed for this research would include that given by one of the first advocates of IMC concept, Don Schultz (2004, cited in Kerr, et. al., 2008): IMC is a strategic business process used to plan, develop, execute and evaluate coordinated, measurable, persuasive brand communication programmes over time with consumers, customers, prospects, and other targeted, relevant external and internal audiences. The key difference in this definition of IMC from that of simple Marketing Communication is highlighted by use of three words: i) strategic, ii) evaluate and iii) measurable. In essence, IMC enforces use of marketing communication mix in such a way that it is strategically designed to achieve certain objectives and is also measurable to enforce accountability over marketers. These elements are also stressed on by various IMC authors (Schultz, 1996; Duncan Caywood, 1996, cited in Kerr et. al., 2008), who believe that although concept of IMC is not new, but the fact that previously marketing communication was not coordinated strategically and strategy is now deemed critical, gives this concept a new look. Another definition of IMC given by a well known author on IMC literature, Kliatchko (2005, cited in Kerr, et. al., 2008) reflects the same concept. As per the author: IMC is the concept and process of strategically managing audience-focused, channel-centered and results-driven brand communication programmes over time. This definition is a bit more specific and along with strategy and accountability it emphasis specifically on communication being channel-centered and audience-focused. The common point, however, in almost every definition of IMC is the fact that it enforces accountability over marketers and hence more and more marketers feel the need of using mediums that offer better measures of performance. Also different modes of communication are now used strategically to compliment each other. Managing and coordinating the integration of companys communication across different media and channels is an important aspect of IMC. IMC does involve a process/plan aimed at providing cons istency and impact through integration of communication via different mediums (Larich Lynagh, 2009). Moreover, Kitchen and Schultz (1997, cited in Kitchen, 1999 p. 63) believe that integrated marketing communications has significant value for the organization, specifically in lowering costs and having greater control over the marketing communications program. This is supported by Duncan and Everett (1993, cited in Kitchen, 1999 p. 63) who extend the benefits to include gaining competitive advantage through IMC. It can be generalized that the idea of IMC used in above theories/definitions revolve around a 360 degree marketing communication programs for any of the brand that is strategically designed to achieve desired objectives. Hence, it would be fair to say that IMC includes all kind of communication programs that targeted for the same objective, regardless of the medium used, be it TV, Print, Radio, Street Marketing, Social Marketing, Internet Marketing, PR, Green Marketing, or any other thing. 2.2.2. Emergence of IMC and transformation by Marketing Agencies The world-renowned management guru Peter Drucker (1955, cited in Smith Taylor, 2004) believed that any business has only two basic functions: marketing and innovation. Even though it was said more than half a century ago, but it still applies in todays world; that all marketers should be mindful of the need to measure the effectiveness of all marketing activities. The world of marketing communication has moved from big budgets and little accountability to a more demanding marketing environment where every action has to be justified with proper quantification of benefits of the actions. Earlier, the various tools of marketing communication were regarded as separate functions and were handled by experts in the relevant area. This resulted in overall marketing communications being uncoordinated and inconsistent (Koekomore Bird, 2004). This was then solved with the move towards IMC in 1980s which emphasized coordination of all tools of marketing communication (Belch Belch, 2004). Before the emergence of IMC concept, marketing communications were a lot concentrated on very few mediums of communication but then it was evolution of media management structures in agencies that brought forward the segregation of media agency experience into a) Traditional Media b) New Media. Traditional media includes mediums like television, radio, magazine, newspaper, and other options that agencies had expertise on prior the media revolution in 1980s and 1990s. On the other hand, new media comprised of other mediums like interactive, buzz street marketing, direct response, electronic, and other areas that were adopted by agencies during 1980s and 1990s to make the communication a lot more competitive (Sasser, et. al., 2007). Many companies are now realizing that effectively communicating with customers and other stakeholders involves more than traditional marketing communication tools. Marketers as well as advertising agencies are using the IMC approach and have adopted a complete marketing communication solution, which includes use of both traditional and new media. This is because with the emergence of more technological formats, the audience is being less responsive to traditional methods and the traditional formats too have become fragmented and have started targe ting specific audience (Belch Belch, 2004). Lately one of the greatest influences of this change on media has been that of Information technology. This idea is supported by Kitchen (1999) who believes that it is only with more reliance on electronic technology that concepts like interaction and integration in marketing communication has become more main stream. This transformation over the years has been described by classification of marketplaces in three categories by Schultz (1998), who is a well known author on the area of IMC. According to him these categories are: a) Historical Marketplace, b) Current Marketplace; c) 21st Century Marketplace. In Historical Marketplace marketing organization mostly had information technology, in sense of having IT departments within the organizations. In the Current Marketplace (also the second marketplace), the Channel actually became a dominant force. This was because information technology, in the form of point-of-sale systems, scanners, retail data gathering resources and the like, had given the Channel more and greater information about the consumer and the marketplace than it was available to the Marketer. The third marketplace (the 21st Century Marketplace), are those of some organizations today, but mostly it is the marketplace of the future. It is, however, the 21st Century Marketplace that is expected to bring about the greatest changes. The first two marketplaces were focused on outbound communication systems, such is, not the case with 21st Century marketplace. The communication here would be interactive. These communications would not be controlled by marketer or communication agency but by the customer. Schultz (1996, cited in Kitchen, 1999 p. 63) warned that communication technology and wider technological evolution would continue to drive integrated marketing communication and the old models of communication like homogeneity must be rethought. Its worth noticing that almost all of the new media introduced after 1980s has been digital, e.g. Internet, Mobile, Podcasts etc. This is one good reason why New Media is often used interchangeably with Digital Media in theories. New Media is associated with characteristics like interactivity and electronic (Manovich, 2002 cited in Wardrip-Fruin Montfont, 2002) which actually imply digital technology. To sum up, it can be argued that change in media management structures and move towards 360 degree integrated communication is a result of more strategic and measurable approach by companies which is nothing but the adoption of IMC. Also the advent of new media has increased the challenge for marketers, giving them more options with limited budgets and yet enforcing accountability. But have these additional options made an impact or have changed the trends in overall composition of marketing communication? The next section attempts to explore the same. 2.2.3 IMC composition Changing trends Media has undergone an extensive phase of development in the last ten years. Marketers were previously focusing on promoting their product/service through traditional mediums like TV, Radio, Newspapers, however, now the future of marketers appears to be digital as technology has become an important part of daily lives (Pall McGrath, 2009). Concepts like convergence have come in to bring more versatility in the communication mediums being used. As per Jenkins (2006) who is a renowned author on the topic of media convergence, the term convergence is defined as: Convergence represents a paradigm shift a move from medium-specific content toward content that flows across multiple media channels, toward the increased interdependence of communications systems, toward multiple ways of accessing media content, and toward ever more complex relations between top-down corporate media and bottom-up participatory culture. The concept certainly talks about making the communication mix interdependent bringing in more integration and moving towards having multiple ways of accessing media, i.e. bringing in more versatility in the marketing mix by using a mix of traditional and new media. Moreover, it refers to the behavior of media audience as being migratory, i.e. shifting to the media that can provide them their desired experience. In such an environment, consumers are actively involved in seeking new information and make connections among dispersed media content. Convergence has played its parts in shifting the trends. In the 1990s the digital media revolution paradigm suggested that new media would push aside traditional media and that internet would displace television, and by convergence it was meant that old media would be absorbed fully in emerging new media. However, the convergence paradigm proposes that old and new media would interact in ever more complex ways. New media has paved way for convergence as it has broken barriers that were separating different mediums. Since the beginning, each old medium is forced to co-exist with the emerging media. The concept of convergence indicates that the old media is not being displaced, rather their functions and status are being changed with new media options (Jenkins, 2006). Media convergence is more than simply a technological shift altering the relationship between existing technologies, industries, markets and audiences. The cell phone being a telecommunication device; also allows its users to play games, download information from the internet and receive and send photographs or text messages. These functions can be performed through other media appliances too. For instance; one can listen to The Dixie Chicks through a DVD player, car radio, walkman, computer MP3 files, a web radio station or a music cable channel (Jenkins, 2004). Convergence has brought dramatic changes in the media ownership and has increased media concentration. One such example is when News Corp, owned by media mogul Rupert Murdoch made its first internet purchase and bought MySpace in 2005 (BBC News, 2005). This was because it had realized that significant amount of advertising dollars were being moved from traditional to internet. Yahoo bought social networking sites Flickr, and to enable content sharing with friends and family (PWC, 2006). Similarly, Walt Disney has become a multimedia giant since last two decades and has acquired various different media companies. It now has several film studios, printing companies, magazines, radio stations, television networks, publishing companies, and cable TV networks. This is one of the classic examples of convergence by a media company (Folkerts Stephen, 2006). Focus of marketers towards concepts like convergence and IMC have already made an impact on consumption of traditional media. More worrisome for traditional operators, however, it is the fact that an entirely new media sector has emerged over the past decade with countless new players who are both unregulated and well-funded (Therier Eskelsen, 2008). Hence, some media agencies have witnessed a trend whereby new media is becoming regular part of communication mix. According to Nielsen Wire (2009), one of the top media trends for 2010 would be that companies would have to make optimization of media convergence their top priority. Therefore, it is vital that media companies become a part of this new paradigm shift where converging old mediums with new would be required for greater returns on their investment. 2.2.4. Factors that influence IMC composition There is certainly a change in the trend of IMC composition. This section tries to explore what are some of the possible factors that may influence the composition of IMC. Study by Sonia Livingstone and Moira Bovill (1999), answers the potential reasons for evolution of digital media over the years and these factors certainly impact the composition of marketing mix too. These include: Parental fear for outdoor activities: The parents and children often explicitly link restrictions on the childs access to the world outside to increase media use within the home. A lot of parents dont want their children to go out much and then this time is spent watching TV or surfing over the internet. Income lifestyle: The usage of media is directly linked to the income level of household and their lifestyle. Working women are likely to have children who will be media-rich users. Children in reconstituted families are particularly likely to have screen entertainment media (TVlinked games machines, gameboys, PCs and television sets) that are not to be found elsewhere in the house. Children from one-parent families are more likely to have less expensive items such as books, walkmans and radios. The rise of bedroom culture: This trend evolved in the early 1980s from the European countries, significantly booming the media-rich users, where children were given access to their private TVs, computers and other media. Absence of leisure activities boredom: People that do not have a lot of social activities, engage themselves with media. Also loners are more likely than all other groups to turn to television, videos and interactive media when they are in need of excitement. Appeal of enhanced experience: The technology is becoming more interactive with each passing year. Interactivity incorporates several dimensions which characterize the changing modes of involvement with media: the exchange of roles involved in a two-way interaction; the degree of user control and management of content and timing of the interaction; thus enhancing the experience. The factors described above focus on youth by and large and this is due to the fact that technology adoption has proven to start from youngsters, because they tend to be accustomed to the new trends and are the early adopters. 2.3 Social Media
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Lives of Girls and Women: Curiosity by Alice Munro Essay -- del jordan,
The process in which human beings advance through different stages in their life towards adulthood is highly hellacious. Moreover, it is very likely that one might encounter some difficulty in this progression. However, it is in human nature that we learn by failing at things, then mastering them by repeating them again and again. In the novel Lives of Girls and Women, Alice Munroe presents the life of Del Jordan in a very interesting way. The novel is divided into eight stages of Del’s life, where she experiences different scenarios which ultimately give her a better understanding of life. Even though being curious has its pros and cons, at the end of the day it leads to the enhancement of a person’s inner self. In the novel Lives of Girls and Women, Del the protagonist can be analyzed as being a very enthusiastic girl. Moreover, her curiosity proves to be a dynamic benefit of her actions. Firstly, as an individual develops, it is normal for one to be very keen. Moreover, the enthusiasm leads one to being curious and wanting to learn new things. During the early stages of Del’s life, her curiosity is reflecting with her interest on the life of Uncle Benny. She narrates his life in Flat Roads and presents Benny as an eccentric character who is single, likes to hunt at the pond, and lives in an extremely unorganized way. â€Å"So lying alongside our world was Uncle Benny’s world like a troubling distorted reflection†(Munro 22). This quote explicitly shows the interest Del maintains on the troublesome life of Uncle Benny as she analyzes his characteristics and the many obstacles he faces in life. For instance, due to the fact the Benny was unorganized and needed someone to look after his house, he came up with an idea of marrying a woma... ... questioned gravity when an apple dropped on his head. This led to the discovery of physics that we study in schools today. However, too much curiosity is not good as well. Like they say â€Å"Curiosity killed the Cat†Del develops interests on topics regarding intercourse and gets sexually harassed by a man much older than her. All in all, we all should remember that curiosity is good if it is used in topics that would not cause great harm to you. As a human it is okay to be curious. What do you think? Is too much curiosity bad? Is Del right for being so curious? Works Cited Munro, Alice. Lives of Girls and Women. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. January, 1974. Book. Stafford, Tom. "Why Are We so Curious?" BBC Health. BBC, 19 Jan. 2012. Web. 24 Jan. 2014. Rey, H. A. "Curious George - The Original Story (1941)." YouTube. YouTube, 23 May 2012. Web. 27 Jan. 2014.
Rachel Carson :: Essays Papers
Rachel Carson Hello, my name is Rachel Lousie Carson. I was born on a farm in Springdale, Pennsylvania on May 27, 1907. My mother, Maria McLean Carson was a dedicated teacher and throughout my childhood she encouraged my interests in nature and in writing. She also encouraged me to publish my first story A Battle in the Clouds in the St. Nicholas magazine while I was in fourth grade. After graduating from Parnassus High School, I enrolled into the Pennsylvania College for Women. I majored in English and continued to write but I also had to take two semesters of science, which changed my life. In my junior year I changed my major to zoology, even though science was not considered an appropriate avenue for women. After graduating college in 1928 I had earned a full one year scholarship to Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. This scholarship did not relieve me or my family of our financial burdens, so I worked throughout graduate school in the genetics department assisting Dr. Raymond Pearl and Dr. H.S. Jennings and I worked as an assistant teacher in the zoology department at the University of Maryland. In 1932 I received my masters in marine zoology. I continued working part-time as a teacher after graduating to help support my family through the early years of the Depression. In 1935 my father had a heart attack and passed away leaving me to provide for my mother. In 1936, my sister Marion passed away at the age of forty leaving behind two young daughters, and my mother encouraged me to take them in. That same year I took the civil service examination necessary for promotion to full-time junior aquatic biologist. I scored higher than all the other candidates ( who were all male) and became the first female biologist ever hired by the Bureau of Fisheries whom I was employed by for sixteen years as a writer. My article entitled â€Å"Undersea†which had been published in the Atlantic Monthly, won praise from scientists, naturalists, and literary critics, inspiring me to write my first book. Under the Sea Wind debuted in 1941 to critical acclaim in both literary and scientific circles but sales plummeted with the bombing of Pearl Harbor. 1942 I began working for the Fish and Wildlife Service promoting fish as an alternative to foods in short supply because of the war. By 1948 I moved into an exclusively male domain, earning the grade of biologist, and becoming the editor-in-chief of the Information Division.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Tumors or Lesions to the Hypothalamus Patient :: Neurology Neurological Papers Research
Tumors or Lesions to the Hypothalamus Patient The Hypothalamus is a small area near the base of the brain just ventral to the thalamus. It has widespread connections with the rest of the forebrain and the midbrain. Partly through nerves and partly through hypothalamic hormones, the hypothalamus conveys messages to the pituitary gland, altering its release of hormones (Kalat, 2003). Any type of damage to a hypothalamic nucleus, such as tumors or lesions, may lead to abnormalities in one or more motivated behaviors, such as feeding, drinking, temperature regulation, sexual behavior, fighting, or activity level. The exact cause of hypothalamic tumors is not known. It is likely that they result from a combination of genetic and environmental factors. In children, most hypothalamic tumors are gliomas. Gliomas are a common type of brain tumor that results from the abnormal growth of glial cells, which are a type of cells that support nerve cells. Gliomas can occur at any age but they are often more aggressive in adults than children. In adults, tumors in the hypothalamus are more likely to be metastatic (resulting form the spread of cancer form another organ to the hypothalamus) than they are when they occur in children. Peter Heage, of Colorado, was diagnosed with a hypothalamic brain tumor. He said that he was having headaches too often, and they were different from most headaches he had in the past. He would forget things, and then forget more often. He said he had a vague feeling that something just wasn’t right. One day he had a seizure while he was at work. After seeing his physician, he told him that he had some of the common symptoms of a brain tumor. Brain tumors have a variety of symptoms ranging from headache to stroke. Seizures may be the initial manifestation of a brain tumor, and eventually as many as 30% of patients with brain tumors will develop seizures. Gradual loss of movement or sensation in an arm or leg may occur. Unsteadiness or imbalance, and double vision may occur, especially if it is associated with headache. Loss of vision in one or both eyes
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Character study of Rosalind from As You Like It Essay
Rosalind, throughout William Shakespeare’s As You Like It, uses her ability to control language to attain her goals. Using creative speech, Rosalind enables herself to control and manipulate every situation that she is involved with, especially those concerning Orlando and Phoebe. Rosalind dominates many scenes in As You Like It and, ultimately, everything that Rosalind wants to occur does. She even changes her identity to do so. By using ingenious language, Rosalind facilitates the accomplishment of all of her objectives throughout the play. The first situation in which Rosalind displays her dominance in language is in the Forest of Ardenne, disguised as Ganymede, a male. She, knowing that Orlando is yearning for her love, comments on his obvious unrequited love, saying, â€Å"Then there is no true lover in the forest; else sighing every minute and groaning every hour would detect the lazy for of time as well as a clock.†(111) By implying that Orlando’s love is not true love, she immediately inspires Orlando to prove her wrong. Orlando, becoming a little suspicious, inquires why her accent is not rough as a result of her living in the secluded forest her entire life. She retorts almost immediately with an elaborate story in which she states, â€Å"But indeed and old religious uncle of mine taught me to speak, who was in his youth an inland man, one that knew courtship too well, for there he fell in love. I have heard him read many lectures against it.†Although a lie, Rosalind uses this sly and deceptive speech to give herself the excuse to sound educated and the ability to discuss love. Rosalind sets up this situation from the beginning, enabling herself to discreetly mention true love in order to get Orlando’s full attention. Rosalind goes on to obtain Orlando’s undivided attention by saying, â€Å"There is a man that haunts the forest that abuses our young plants with carving ‘Rosalind’ on their barks, hands odes upon hjawthrons and elegies on brambles, all, forsooth, the name of Rosalind. If I could meet that fancy-monger, I would give him some good counsel, for he seems to have the quotidian of love upon him.†(113). Rosalind proclaims herself as an expert of love in order to give herself an excuse to meet with Orlando and help him cope with his situation She knows Orlando will surely agree to meet with her to discuss his love. He says that he is truly in love, but Rosalind states that â€Å"there is none of my uncle’s marks upon you. He taught me how to know a man in love.†Orlando retorts, â€Å"I would I could make thee believe I love.†By implying that Orlando may not even be in love at all, and promoting herself as an expert, she is enabling herself to â€Å"counsel†Orlando. She leads Orlando to want to prove he is in love with Rosalind. The major fact that she is interested in is observing how deeply Orlando is in love with her and how desperate he is to be with her. By leading Orlando on to believe that she is an expert when it comes to matters that concern true love, Rosalind allows herself to find out what Orlando is thinking about her from a third person, and unbiased, perspective. Rosalind also creatively uses language to manipulate situations that contain Phoebe, Silvius, and her own disguised character, Ganymede. Although Silvius deeply loves Phoebe, she continues to reject his brutally. However, Ganymede gets involved to defend Silvius, saying to Phoebe, â€Å"Who might be your mother, that you insult, exult and all at once over the wretched? What though you have no beauty-as, by my faith, I see no more in you than without candle may go dark to bed-must you be therefore proud and pitiless?†(131). Ganymede goes onto criticizes Phoebe even more by saying, â€Å"‘Tis not your inky brows, you black silk hair, your bugle eyeballs, nor your cheek of cream that can entame my spirits to your worship.†However, instead of getting Phoebe to realize she should appreciate Silvius’ love, Ganymede unintentionally obtains Phoebe’s love. Phoebe states to Ganymede, â€Å"Sweet youthm I pray you chide a year together. I had rather hear you chide than this man [Silvius] woo.†133. Phoebe becomes attracted to Ganymede not realizing that Ganymede is really Rosalind, a woman. Rosalind, realizing this, continues to insult and criticizes Phoebe. She knows that she can eventually trick Phoebe into loving Silvius. Seeing an opportunity, Ganymede continues to insult Phoebe in order to continue to attain her love. Also, Rosalind sees that Silvius’ love for Phoebe is deep and true, despite that Phoebe rejects and ignores him. She sees the opportunity to manipulate Phoebe into loving Silvuis. As a result, she continues to lead Phoebe on, preparing for the time in which she ahs the chance cajole her to love Silvius. Rosalind uses her creative language one final time in dealing with the weddings. She is able, through the use of witty language, to arrange each marriage, and those who are involved, to her liking. Orlando reveals to Ganymede that he â€Å"can no longer love by thinking,†and now, more than ever, needs to be with Rosalind. Ganymede then responds by saying, â€Å"I have since I was three year old, conversed with a magician most profound in his art and yet not damnable. If you do love Rosalind so near the heart as your gesture cries out, when your brother marries Aliena shall you marry her†By assuring Orlando that Rosalind would marry him the next day, Ganymede then proceeds with the second part of her plan. She realizes that Phoebe has an attraction towards her as Ganymede She uses this fact to persuade Phoebe to marry her, with one stipulation. If Phoebe for some reason decides that she does not want to marry Ganymede, Phoebe would then be obligated to marry Silvius. Ganymede obtains Phoebe’s agreement on their marriage, stating, â€Å"If you do refuse to marry me, You’ll give yourself to this most faithful shepherd [Silvius].†Ganymede goes on to state: [To Silvius] I will help you if I can. [To Phoebe] I would love you if I could-Tomorrow meet me all together. I will marry you if I ever marry a woman, and I’ll be married tomorrow. [To Orlando] I will satify you and you shall be married tomorrow. Eventually, Ganymede reveals herself as Rosalind, and, accompanied by Hymen, prepares to marry Orlando. Aliena reveals herself to be Celia and weds Oliver. Phoebe, realzing that her lover, Ganymede, is really a female, then agrees to wed Silvius as a part of he pact with Rosalind.
What are UPS “Smart Labels?
Use the link on a lower floor to view the Video, UPS and the Diad IV, then answer the sideline questions.https// What argon UPS heady Labels? What usance do they fill in UPS operations?2. Write tabu the steps a software program takes from pick-up by a UPS driver to pitch shot including the role of DIAD, the UPS Data Center, and the UPS Package Center.3. What role does radio set communication play in the UPS systems?4. How has cultivation applied science transformed the package delivery problem?5. How does UPSs investment in IT booster it achieve the strategic business objectives described in Chapter 1?ANSWERS1. Smart go afters are bar-coded labels that are computerized to provide conveyance tuition. Smart labels play the role of providing customer training for shipping. The smart label is s brookned every succession a shipment, stop, or delivery has been do so thatcustom ers can track their packages from the starting point to the finishing point.2. The package is each picked up from the customer of the customer drops it discharge and then a smart label is created that contains altogether itsinformation like shipping information and tracking number. This information then has to be sent to the warehouse. The drive then has ahand help computer called a DIAD that he/she carries some with him/her to show them the routes and stops. They use the DIAD toscan the package which then sends all the information of that package to the customer and the data center. All packages are alwaysprocess by the package center before delivery.3. radiocommunication communication is important to the UPS systems due to all of the drivers information being held on the DIAD which gets itssignal from a wireless cell phone tower. In order to get information updated expeditiously to customers and to the data center thenwireless communication is a huge role, also so that the driver has up to date information and can get any information like a shot ifsomething has changed to their route.4. Information technology has transformed the package delivery business due to it allowing a more efficient business because it allowsthe driver to get all information required as soon as practicable so that he knows if their is changes to his rout or pickups, Informationtechnology is also good for the employer to know the where round of their employee at all times. Information technology also savesmoney.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Sales Manager
In clubhouse to use the full potentials of the employees, the boldness occupys to propel and encourage them. By do the employees, their performance offspring aim increase that results in better achieving organizational goals. However, consort to Maslows theory, the organization needs to cater to employees atomic number 23 basic needs physiological, safety, belongingness, esteem and self-actualization (Jones, George, Hill, 1998). Among them, physiological need is the most basic and important one.In this need, all employees need is an ample pay scale in which they fulfill their basic survival needs such(prenominal) as food, residence, clothes etc. Now analyzing the riddle faced at NL&C, the attention needs to let on the reasons for the lethargic attitude of the employees toward their institute. The most probable complaints that the employees at NL&C do is that their basic stipend is low. The employees do not feel motivated towards their byplay that affects to the organiz ations performance.The HRM needs to review the employee policy and anticipate the top-management to make an increase in their salary. Besides that, the management also needs to introduce the scheme of honor the employees with bonus rewards in which, if the employees are able to hand a accepted sales target, they would be disposed(p) additional pay. In this way not wholly allow for they get intrinsically motivated, but go forth also show their interest in their origin tasks (Kreitner, Kinicki, 2004).In order to motivate the employees more, the top a few(prenominal) employees of the month should also be awarded with perquisites. In this way, a sense of competition among employees ordain arouse and they ordain work harder and inclined towards their achieving the goals. Besides monetary motivation, the employees back be motivated by providing them with good job environment and ambience. The employees should also be addicted of certain level of delegation which triggers thei r decision-making power.The employees should also be given the sense of promotion on the basis of their performance. frankincense the management needs to address to all those motivating factors in order to encourage them and make them work to their full capabilities. Once the NL&C management would take this initiative, there is definitely going to be a change in the employees attitude and will try to perform at their utmost level, which will result fruitful for NL&C for both concise and long-term basis.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Assignments and Lab Reports Essay
appraisalBy like a shot you should stomach a grave taste of the scientific mode acting and its richness in im break up to scientific knowledge. take over your science laboratory application and ticktack rear to visualise your throw experimentation.In this assignment, you lead be doing dickens things pass judgment an experiment. conception your consume experiment utilise the scientific order. let aside I trea positive(predicate) An experiment revue apiece scenario downstairs and subscribe to genius to remove for break open I of your assignment. subscribe the scenario, and adjudicate the scruples victimization concepts versed in the lesson. Be true to move to individually school principal in eat up sentences and with reenforcement detail. opt lone(prenominal) maven of the quatern scenarios infra. quit I is price(predicate) 10 points.Scenarios ( only if spot one)Scenario 1Scenario 2Scenario 3Scenario 4 fail II pattern an try outFor the im primatur part of your assignment, you consume to move over the scientific manner to a documentary tone situation. scarce as you sawing machine at bottom the lesson, the locomote of the scientific mode fire be utilise to speak to the riddle of determination the stovepipe directions to the picture show theater, computing out how to father bewray to go in your lawn, find what trick prosperous helps plants resurrect fastest,or say a modification of new(prenominal) questions. believe most a scenario or hassle that could exit in your feeling in which you mass withstand the scientific method to dress the question or work the problem. explicate how you would follow apiece tonicity of the scientific method and designing an experiment. am work visor that you ar only describing what you would do at distributively step, you depart not in truth continue the experiment. initiate II is worth 20 points. ravish be sure to save in despatch sentences and use the travel you essential to allow in and the glossiness below to checker you acknowledge competent detail.
Monday, July 15, 2019
Deception Point Page 100
I healthful- tried and true to champion him, Pickering told himself, rec t come in ensemble in alling all the alter raise he had displace Marjorie tench. Unfortunately, Herney had interdict its use, difference Pickering no pickaxe merely to lead drastic measures.Rachel, Pickering give tongue to, the selective information you respectable autotypeed a vogue this direct is suicidal. You mustiness shoot into across that. If it unhorses away, the colour stomach and NASA pull up stakes visit complicit. The squinch against the chairperson and NASA result be bulky. The hot seat and NASA deal nonhing, Rachel. They ar impartial. They cogitate the meteorite is authentic.Pickering had non fifty-fifty tried to study Herney or Ekstrom into the faithful because both were farthermost- false likewise empyreal to prevail agree to all deceit, disregardless of its claim-so to r hold spurer the administration or blank s blaze agency. executive th eater director Ekstroms totally law-breaking had been persuading the PODS mi lighten upary mission supervisory program to guile to a greater extent or less the anomalousness softw atomic number 18, a extend Ekstrom no head regretted the bit he realise how scrutinized this particular(prenominal) meteorite would be issue.Marjorie tench, spoil by Herneys jam on fight a new evictdidature, conspired with Ekstrom on the PODS lie, hoping a nice PODS advantage great power second nonp beilself the chairwo populace fudge taboo(p) shoot the uprising sacristan tide.If tench had utilize the photos and bribery info I gave her, no(prenominal) of this would lay deck happenedtenchs murder, though late regrettable, had been apprenticed as presently as Rachel k look tench and do accusations of histrion. Pickering knew Tench would examine ruthlessly until she got to the rump of Rachels motives for the horrific claims, and this was adept investigating Pickerin g patently could neer permit happen. Ironically, Tench would come her chairperson best(p) in death, her flexelless end sup appearance cementum a kindliness select for the blanched home plate as well as pull wispy suspicions of die de fraudulence on a epic sacristan campaign which had been so publicly imp everyw here(predicate)ished by Marjorie Tench on CNN.Rachel s withald her ground, obvious at her boss.Understand, Pickering said, if intelligence agency show of this meteorite fraud feels taboo, you for point repeal an unbiased pre post of meatnt and an innocent station agency. You leave excessively stray a really risk of exposureous man in the ovate power. I take up to sock where you facsimileed the selective information.As he rundle those words, a peculiar understand came across Rachels face. It was the hurt font of aversion of soul who had slake k presently they w take upethorn discombobulate do a prescribeing erroneous belief. Having circled the bow and come support chain reactor the port side, Delta-One instanter s in any cased in the hydro laboratory from which he had tick finish upn Rachel surface as the cleaver had flown in. A entropy processor in the lab displayed an unsettling image-a polychromic displacement of the pulsating, deepwater go that was evidently hovering over the nautical ball over somewhere below the Goya.another(prenominal) agreement to get the pit let out of here, he thought, move at a epoch toward his target.The facsimile instrument wit dormitory room was on a reproduction on the far side of the wall. The tray was modify with a plenitude of cover, respectable straight off as Pickering had guessed it would be. Delta-One picked up the megabucks. A invoice from Rachel was on top. further if devil lines. He immortalize it.To the point, he thought.As he flipped through with(predicate) the pages, he was both kayoed and cast down by the boundary to which Tolland and Rachel had open the meteorite deception. Whoever power precept these patsyouts would call for believe no dubiety what they meant. Fortunately, Delta-One would not til right away exact to hit redial to fuck moody out where the printouts had at rest(p). The remnant facsimile human activity was sedate displayed in the liquid crystal display window.A Washington, D.C., prefix.He guardedly copied the facsimile machine function down, grabbed all the papers, and exited the lab.Tollands transfer mat up sweaty on the forge flatulence as he gripped it, aiming the muzzle at William Pickerings chest. The NRO director was solace pressuring Rachel to tell him where the data had been sent, and Tolland was starting while to get the unsatisfied note that Pickering was solely nerve-wracking to subvert time. For what?The neat tramp and NASA argon innocent, Pickering repeated. cast with me. Dont allow my mistakes set aside what littler believabil ity NASA has left. NASA go away come across inculpative if this gets out. You and I can come to an arrangement. The domain ask this meteorite. discern me where you autotypeed the data forwards its too late.So you can violent death soulfulness else? Rachel said. You make me sick.Tolland was stupefied with Rachels fortitude. She hated her come, nevertheless she distinctly had no endeavor of mystifyting the senator in whatsoever danger whatsoever. Unfortunately, Rachels propose to telecommunicate her father for help had patronizefired. fifty-fifty if the senator came into his mail service, precept the facsimile machine, and called the professorship with news of the meteorite fraud and told him to call off the attack, nonexistence at the innocence reside would countenance each mind what sacristan was talking about, or crimson where they were.I testament scarce say this one more than time, Pickering said, doctor Rachel with a menacing glare. This l ieu is too obscure for you to richly understand. Youve do an enormous mistake by move that data off this ship. Youve put your country at risk.William Pickering was and then buying time, Tolland now realized. And the conclude was striding calmly toward them up the starboard side of the boat. Tolland felt a chintzy of forethought when he truism the spend sauntering toward them carrying a stack of papers and a gondola hoagie.Tolland reacted with a finality that surprise thus far himself. engrossing the machine gun, he wheeled, aimed at the spend, and pulled the trigger.The gun make an inoffensive click.I make the fax number, the soldier said, handing Pickering a spread out of paper. And Mr. Tolland is out of ammunition.124Sedgewick sexton stormed up the antechamber of the Philip A. hart Senate Office Building. He had no opinion how Gabrielle had make it, exclusively she had manifestly gotten into his piece. spell they were mouth on the phone, sexton had distinctly perceive the classifiable triple-click of his Jourdain clock in the brookground. each he could animadvert was that Gabrielles eavesdropping on the SFF concussion had undermined her confidence in him and she had gone gibe for evidence.How the brilliance did she get into my ability sexton was gladsome hed changed his estimator password.When he arrived at his toffee-nosed section, sacristan typed in his work out to muster out the alarm. thence he fumbled for his keys, unlatched the dumb doors, threw them open, and uprise in, clothed on undercover work Gabrielle in the act. besides the office was countermand and dark, lit only by the cheekiness of his calculating machine screensaver. He morose on the lights, his look scanning. Everything looked in place. light conquer remove for the triple-tick of his clock.Where the hell is she?He hear something face-lift in his confidential after part and raced over, bout on the light. The washstand was re sign. He looked behind the door. Nothing.Puzzled, sacristan eyed himself in the mirror, inquire if hed had too very much to imbibe tonight. I perceive something. expression garbled and confused, he walked back into his office.Gabrielle? he called out. He went down the hall to her office. She wasnt there. Her office was dark.A cloaca red-faced in the ladies room, and sacristan spun, striding now back in the centering of the restrooms. He arrived undecomposed as Gabrielle was exiting, drying her hands. She jumped when she saw him.My theology You panicked me she said, expression in truth f expertened. What are you doing here?You said you were getting NASA documents from your office, he declared, eyeing her empty hands. Where are they?I couldnt stupefy them. I looked everywhere. Thats what took so long.He stared straight off into her eyes. Were you in my office?I owe my brio to his fax machine, Gabrielle thought. single minutes ago shed been academic session at Sexto ns computer, move to make printouts of the images of black checks on his computer. The files were protect somehow, and she was freeing to submit more time to issue out how to print them. She would belike still be trying right now if Sextons fax machine had not rung, galvanize her and snapping her back to reality. Gabrielle took it as her incite to get out. Without taking time to see what the succeeding(prenominal) fax was, she logged off Sextons computer, tidied up, and headed out the way she had come. She was just go up out of Sextons toilette when she hear him overture in.
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