Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Cinderella in a Black Dress - 1100 Words
Cinderella in a Black Dress Goneril is not one of the evil stepsisters from Cinderella. Her many faces, in fact, stem from the same source and are not as different as one may conceive. The truth lies in one of her lines in Act 1, Scene 1. â€Å"There is further compliment of leave-taking between France and him [Lear]. Pray you let’s hit together. If our father carry authority with such disposition as he bears, this last surrender of his will but offend us†(I, i, 331-4). The statement can be viewed as somewhat selfish based on her use of the word â€Å"us†. It really depends on whom she is referring to. Since Lear has already divided the land between his two eldest daughters, it is safe to assume that the â€Å"us†could be referring to Goneril and†¦show more content†¦This is a commonality in female characters in antiquated and modern entertainment. Juliet, from Romeo and Juliet, allows her emotions to take complete control of herself and ends up dead because of her impulsiveness. Yet, something about Goneril is stronger and more developed. Goneril’s emotions are logical. She seems to know what she wants and to take action accordingly. She doesn’t allow the emotion to define her so much as the actual planning. When people think of Romeo and Juliet, they will typically think about love and impulsive behavior. When people think of Hamlet they think of his madness. And yet, with Goneril, people think about wickedness and betrayal, which are very calculating labels. Goneril has to plan out every act she wishes to commit. She doesn’t have a Hamlet moment, in which she slips and murders Polonius. Goneril comes off as composed up until her suicide, which is the only indication of how remorseful she actually is. She seems relatively robotic through the play. Yet, if Cordelia were taken out of the play, Goneril might not seem so antagonistic. Goneril has a right to feel frustrated and like she’s losing he r father as he loses his mind. She has a right to feel frustrated about Lear’s entourage invading her space and hindering the development of the kingdom. However, Goneril goes too far. Goneril’s ultimate problem is that she does wear at least one mask, but it isn’t the caring woman; it’s the deceptive traitor. No oneShow MoreRelatedDisney Version Of The Cinderella Movie912 Words  | 4 Pagesfairy tail of Cinderella. Ever since the original disney version of the cinderella movie created in the 1950s, many modern versions of the movie have been made. I have watched every remake ever made of this movie. One of my all time favorite modern remakes of this movie is called â€Å"Another Cinderella Story†. Although the story line of the movie remains the same many aspects of the movie change as well in order to make the movie unique. The original version of the disney cinderella movie is aboutRead MoreCinderella Is A Blonde And Ariel Has A Beautiful Young Woman998 Words  | 4 Pageshappiness. 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